


Ranger Services

Protecting and Serving

Ranger services for properties owned and managed by the Watershed Conservation Authority (WCA) are provided by the Mountains Recreation & Conservation Authority (MRCA). As such, rules and regulations for WCA properties, and the prescribed punishment for violation thereof, are established in the MRCA Park Ordinance (29 page pdf file).

If you have received a citation from an MRCA Ranger on WCA property and have specific questions or comments, please contact the MRCA directly at their toll-free citation information line, (877) 847-2338, Monday-Friday between 7:00 am and 3:00 pm or visit their Frequently Asked Questions Page.


For emergency ranger services, or to report unapproved activities, please call 24-hour dispatch at: 562-698-1446.

For information regarding the Watershed Conservation Authority’s policies concerning filming activities on our properties, please contact the WCA’s office directly at either 626-815-1019 or go to the filming tab on this website.